Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Chocolates are usually brown, but it can also be white. It is also sweet and scrumptious. I like them so much. I eat them a lot especially when I watch movies or shows. I eat any brand of chocolate, but my favorite is Hershey’s chocolate. I eat it more than the other brands of chocolate. My parents told me that if I eat many chocolates, I should drink water more. When I had allergies on chocolates, I eat them less to prevent my allergies. I also love to watch movies that are related to chocolates. An example of it was the movie called Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. It is a nice story; it’s a story about family and a magical chocolate factory. When I was watching the movie, I told my older sisters that I wanted to go there and eat all the chocolates. Chocolates are my comfort food. If I’m sad, tired or stressed, I just eat it and it would simply make me happy. I want any food that has a chocolate flavor; it may be a cake, ice cream, shakes and biscuits. I always ask my parents if they can buy chocolates for me whenever they are going out because when I eat chocolates, I become hyper or happy all day long.

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