Wednesday, January 11, 2012

An apple is a delicious fruit to eat. It is commonly red, but sometimes it is green. It grows on trees too. When I was young, my favorite fruit was an apple. I always eat an apple every day. After I eat lunch, I eat one. I also liked it peeled before I eat it. Back when I was a kid, I’m sickly. I always go to my pediatrician to check up on me. She said that I need to eat more fruits and vegetables to keep me healthy, so my mom always buys me apples whenever we go to groceries or markets. I also like apple juice or shake. When we are in the mall, I always buy apple shake. There is an incident wherein I thought that a tomato was an apple. Maybe because they have the same color, but when I tasted it; it doesn’t taste like an apple. At that moment, I realized that it wasn’t an apple it was a tomato instead. Today, I don’t eat apples as much as I do when I was little; but I will never forget that a single could make me happy and make me healthy by eating it.

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